Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Paket Wisata Bandung Murah : Pulau Tanjung Pinang Yang Sangat Mengesankan

Pada ce bekas ibukota pulau Bintan saja, hari ini, kota Tanjung Pinang telah tumbuh menjadi ibu kota seluruh Provinsi Kepulauan Riau - atau Kepulauan Riau, yang lebih dikenal sebagai Keppri untuk pendek. Dan karena 21 Juni 2001 Tanjung Pinang juga ditunjuk sebagai Kota otonom.

Tanjung Pinang terletak di pantai selatan barat pulau Bintan dan menghadapi pulau kecil bersejarah Penyengat, yang pernah menjadi kursi dari kuat kerajaan Johor-Riau. Namun, pada 1782, sultan terakhir, Raja Haji Fisabilillah, dikalahkan oleh Belanda, yang berakhir kerajaan Riau.

Karena lokasinya yang strategis di ujung selatan semenanjung Melayu yang memisahkan Selat Malaka dan Laut Cina Selatan, Bintan adalah selama berabad-abad surga bagi kapal-kapal perdagangan untuk tempat tinggal, ketika mereka menunggu keluar topan baik perjalanan mereka ke Cina atau India. The Venetian wisatawan yang terkenal, Marco Polo, dikatakan juga tinggal sebagai orang asing di pulau. Tanjung Pinang, oleh karena itu, selalu menjadi kota kosmopolitan. Ini adalah keajaiban kecil, karena itu, bahwa Anda dapat menemukan di sini masjid, gereja, Buddha, Tao dan Hindu candi terletak dekat satu sama lain. Sementara komunitas etnis dan ras hidup damai dengan satu sama lain.

Kota ini tidak besar, tapi pasti tumbuh ke arah luar dengan jalan baru terkemuka di seluruh dan keluar dari kota. Sebagian besar penduduknya, termasuk di pulau-pulau kecil banyak sekitarnya Melayu dan Bugis (berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan), Banjar dari Kalimantan dan Cina Peranakan, sebagian besar dari Teochew dan Hokien keturunan, yang telah tinggal di sini selama beberapa generasi. Ada juga banyak nomaden laut Bajau yang hidup di kapal tapi berlayar di antara pulau-pulau. Akhir-akhir ini, karena ekonomi kota tumbuh, Tanjung Pinang menarik pendatang dari tanah Batak di Sumatera Utara, Minangkabau dari Sumatra Barat dan Sunda dari Jawa Barat.

Paket Wisata Bandung Murah Bagian tua kota adalah sepanjang boulevard dengan laut yang menghadapi Penyengat mana berdiri Kediaman Bupati atau Bupati. Bangunan ini mudah dikenali oleh arsitektur kolonial dengan tiang di beranda depannya. Sedikit di seberang jalan adalah sibuk terminal feri, bernama Sri Bintan Pura, di mana feri dari Singapura dan Malaysia membawa wisatawan, sedangkan feri kecil dan kapal mengangkut penumpang ke pulau-pulau lain Riau, termasuk ke Batam, Rempang, Kepulauan Karimun, dan pulau-pulau lain yang lebih kecil.

Hari ini daerah ini adalah pusat komersial kota, di mana terletak bank, mal, hotel, restoran dan pusat perbelanjaan.

Sementara itu, pertumbuhan, pemerintah provinsi telah pindah lebih jauh ke utara ke daerah Senggarang. Senggarang digunakan untuk menjadi sebuah desa pantai kecil yang dihuni kebanyakan oleh orang Cina yang membangun rumah mereka di atas panggung di atas laut. Untuk mencapai rumah-rumah ini salah satu harus berjalan di trotoar, tapi bagian saat ini besar telah diaspal untuk memungkinkan kendaraan bermotor.

Paket Wisata Bandung Murah Pembangunan modern Tanjung Pinang Sultan Haji Fisabilillah bandara dan penerbangan harian sekarang tersedia antara Jakartaand Tanjung Pinang oleh Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air dan Sriwijaya Air telah meningkatkan lalu lintas penumpang ke Bintan, yang sebelumnya lebih mudah diakses dari Singapura bukan dari Jakarta. Penerbangan ke Tarempa dan tempat menyelam yang menakjubkan di kepulauan Anambas juga lepas landas dari bandara ini.

Bintan dan lebih dari 3.000 pulau Riau memiliki banyak pantai yang indah, situs bersejarah, menawarkan banyak kegiatan menarik seperti snorkeling, memancing, bersepeda, berlayar dan banyak lagi.

Paket Wisata Bandung Murah Tanjung Pinang adalah pelabuhan masuk Anda untuk menjelajahi banyak keajaiban bahwa Kepulauan Riau tawarkan.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

Pantai Coro Tulungagung Dieng plateau is one that has the interesting sights in Central Java. Located in the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo district, approximately 30 km from the town of Wonosobo. Dieng plateau is located in the western complex of Mount Sindoro and Sumbing.

Historically, Dieng plateau known as the place where the gods live. Dieng name itself is taken from the language Kawi: "in", which means a place or mountain and "Hyang" which means god. So that the Dieng means mountainous region where deities reside.

Meanwhile, another history there that says if the name is derived from the Sundanese Dieng "in hyang", as estimated in the 7th century AD this area are in the political realm Galuh kingdom.
Apart from the beauty of the resort, Dieng is also well known as a place of spiritual condensed because here there is the ancient temples of Hindu patterned with a unique architecture.

Pantai Coro Tulungagung Located at an altitude of 2093 meters above sea level, Wonosobo Dieng plateau has a full cool air with mist when the sun does not appear in the sky. With a temperature range of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, Wonosobo Dieng has several tourist attractions that you must not miss.

1. Telaga Warna
The Colorful Lake
The Colorful Lake

Color lake is one of the landmarks of the Wonosobo Dieng. Telaga Warna name is taken as this lake has a different color. Telaga Warna has its own legend.

According to legend of local people, the colors that appear on the surface of the lake since ancient times there was a ring belonging to the nobility who fell into the lake. Scientifically, the different colors of the lake because of the refraction of light in sulfur deposits in the bottom of the lake.

The dominant color of this lake is green, navy blue and yellowish white. If you want to see the beautiful colors of the lake, you can climb to the top of the hills that surround the lake. The regional banks of the lake, there is a balcony that can be used to sit back and relax to enjoy the beauty of this lake.

2. Mount Sikunir
Hill Sikunir
Hill Sikunir

Want to see the sunrise? You can come to Mount Sikunir. This hill is a hill known among tourists as a place to hunt sunrise. Sikunir hill located in the village Sembungan which is the highest village in Central Java.

Sikunir hill at an altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level. Named Sikunir hill as the hill is a lot to make tourists hooked hunt sunrise. Colors like sunshine yellow turmeric make local people named Sikunir. Javanese turmeric is turmeric.

3. Well Jalatunda
Wells Jalatunda
Wells Jalatunda

Jalatunda wells located in the village Pekasiran, District Bantur, Banjarnegara District, approximately 12 km to the west of the main locations Dieng.

Jalatunda wells was once a niche fracture crater which then flooded by water with a diameter of 90 meters and a depth of over 200 meters. Because stagnant water is a niche that looked like wells.

Well Jalatunda achieve this, you have to prepare physically for menaikai 257 stairs. In the last step, you will find a pile of gravel paved with sacks of rice, According to the myth of the local community, anyone who can throw a pebble across the well to the opposite side, then hopes to come true.

Therefore, when you visit this well, you will find the sellers of gravel. Prices are set for gravel in the amount of 500 dollars. Many tourists who tried his luck by throwing pebbles this.

4. crater at Dieng
Crater Sikidang
Crater Sikidang

Wonosobo Dieng plateau has some beautiful crater, the crater Sikidang, Candradimuka crater, and the crater Sileri are still active.

Sikidang crater is one of the crater that is relied upon tourist in Dieng Dieng located in the eastern region. The scenery around the crater is very beautiful, blend expanse of green hills and limestone soil around the crater ground.

Given the name Sikidang because the pool of magma in the crater is often moved around like deer (Javanese for animals Kijang). The turmoil in the crater magma is also quite high, between half to one meter.

Sileri crater is one of the largest crater in the Dieng plateau with an area of ​​approximately 4 hectares. You can reach this crater with travel as far as 7 km from the main tourist area of ​​Dieng.

Sileri crater was still emit white smoke. Given the name Sileri this crater because of the color of white water and smells like water used to wash the rice (in the Java language called leri).

While the crater is a crater Candradimuka famous in legend puppet. In the legend is told, this crater is a place where Ghatotkacha dijedi (bathed in the Java language) so it has extraordinary magic power. The layout of the crater is approximately 6 km from the tourist center Dieng.

5. Dieng Temple
Arjuna temple complex
Arjuna temple complex

The temple is a symbol of tourism in Dieng. The temple also likely to make Dieng become a sacred place. Here there are many Hindu temples are scattered in various locations.

The temples are located in Dieng be named in accordance with the character of Mahabharata. There Candi Bima, Arjuna, Gatot Kaca, Heroine, and others. Model building temples here follow the shape of temples in India with typical statues and reliefs that decorate the temple.
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